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*Written July 16, 2019*

My name is Stacey Mae Smith. I am perpetually in pursuit of living a Lilo Life and I’m sharing what that means and how to do it. (Now I feel obligated to say how in one sentence, crap. Doesn’t work that way.)

Grew up in Upstate NY

But I consider my self a global citizen. Typical Millennial, right? HA By exposing my experiences, knowledge, and my daily habits that have led me to where I am and where I plan to go, you’ll be able to unlock some powerful tactics in living the Lilo Life as well. The vision is to never take more from the world than we need – that’s where you’ll find fulfillment. I believe I was born to teach.

I’ve Got a Knack For

…organizing, finance strategy, business strategy, and leveraging tech to get $h*t done. I’ve also got an insane amount of interest and experience with travel, nutrition, fitness, and the concept & practice of minimalism (inspired by trying to declutter and reduce waste). I don’t have all of these topics down to a science, but who does? I know enough to be dangerous, enough to make positive change, and enough to find fulfillment in life – hoping for yours too. Now you’re like “why should I trust you?” I’ve been around the block or two. I’ve got a fancy Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, and some other little certificates in my pocket. But let’s get real. The magic happens in real life. I’ve always had my hands in at least three projects, or even jobs for that matter, at a time.

“Why should I trust you?”

I am currently the Co-Director of the thINCubator in Utica NY. I assist and advise entrepreneurs, build programs, make and manage the social presence, run events, and even take out the trash. We do it all. I’ve also won multiple business competitions including the 2015 Commercialization Academy grant aimed to launch unique technological inventions from the Air Force Research Lab. Won over 50K! I wore the hat of every role within that business from accountant to brand strategist to the product developer. You know… running around like a chicken with its head cut off for 2.5 years… like any startup founder. Learned A LOT. We ran into a manufacturer industry rut. Still exists, just got demoted to project status (you can check it out under the projects tab).

Other Hustles

Aside from that, I’ve done a lot of before and afters with organizing gigs (like a legit hoarder house once… I was in my glory), coached a lot of great people in the wellness realm (nutritional advising & leading boot camp classes), have done a lot of on-the-fly design work for folks, traveled the nation and a few other countries, and have helped a plethora of friends, friends of friends, and family with their financials such as building budgets, getting real with the numbers, and fact CRUSHING some ridiculous myths out there about credit cards or FICO scores. I got a lot to share. Let’s start “Lilo-ing.” That’s kind of like Yolo, right? ha Oh, and I can be awkward sometimes. I’m not ashamed.